DKTE Ichalkaranji, Maharashtra
The Dattajirao Kadam Education society as its first step established the Textile and Engineering Institute in 1982. This institute was permitted by the State Government to start a Diploma course in textiles from the academic year 1982 to 83 without any grant-in aid from the Government. This was the first educational institute in the state to be started on grant basis and encouraged by the successful establishment of this, the Maharashatra State Government took a policy decision in 1983 to permit various social and industrial organizations of the state to start professional educational institutes, the decision which brought a revolution in the thinking and pattern of the education in the state.
Presently the institute conducts four degree courses, two diploma courses and one postgraduate course in textiles as well as one degree course each in Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology and Electronic Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering. The total student strength of the institute is around 1500 and has 100 teaching faculty members and 150 non-teaching staff.
The Textile & Engineering Institute offers following courses of study:
 |  | Diploma | D.T.M. | Textile Manufactures | 60 | Accredited | 1982 | 03 |
| D.T.T. | Textile Technology | 30 | ---- | 1995 | 03 |
| D.F.C.T. | Fashion & Clothing Technology | 30 | ---- | 2008 | 03 |  | Under - graduate | B. Text. | Textile Technology | 60 | Accredited | 1983 | 04 |
| B. Text. | Man-Made Textile Tech. | 30 | Accredited | 1983 | 04 |
| B. Text. | Textile Plant Engg. | 30 | Accredited | 1984 | 04 |
| B. Text. | Textile Chemistry | 60 | Accredited | 1987 | 04 |
| B.Text. | Fashion Technology | 30 | ---- | 2006 | 04 |
| B. E. | Electronics Engg. | 60 | Accredited | 1989 | 04 |
| B. E. | Mechanical Engg. | 60 | Accredited | 1992 | 04 |
| B. E. | Computer Science & Engineering | 60 | Accredited | 1999 | 04 |
| B.E. | Information Tech. | 60 | ---- | 2001 | 04 |
| B.E. | Electronics & Tele-Communication Engg. | 60 | ---- | 2002 | 04 |  | Post - graduate | M. Text. | Textile Technology | 18 | ---- | 1997 | 02 |
| M.Text. | Textile Chemistry | 18 | ---- | 2006 | 02 |
| M.B.A. | Master of Business Administration | 60 | ---- | 2008 | 02 |
| Ph.D. | Textile Engineering | 16 | ---- | 2001 | --
| |
The candidate should have passed the Higher Secondary Certificate (Std.XII) examination of the Maharashtra State, Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent examination with subjects English, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics and secured minimum 50% marks i.e. 150 marks out of 300 marks (45% marks i.e. 135 marks out of 300 marks for backwards class category candidates from Maharashtra State) in the subjects Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics added together.
The candidate should have passed MHT-CET 2005 or AIEEE (All India Engineering Entrance Examination) entrance test examination conducted by Govt. of Maharashtra / Central Govt. respectively.
The candidate should have passed the Higher Secondary Certificate (Std. XII) examination of the Maharashtra State, Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary education or its equivalent examination with subjects English, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics and secured minimum 50% marks i.e. 150 marks out of 300 marks (45% marks i.e. 135 marks out of 300 marks for backwards class category candidates from Maharashtra State) in the subjects Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics added together.
Candidates having valid CET / AIEEE score for the year 2005 - 2006 will be given preference.
D.K.T.E. Society's
Textile & Engineering Institute,
Rajwada, P.O.Box. No.130,
Ichalkaranji-416 115
(0230) 2421300,2432340, 2439557 to 59
(0230) 2432329
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